From tiny footsteps to gigantic leap in Electrical Engineering

     Since its incorporation in the late 20s The D' n G' Enterprise to develop, and maintained, a sharp focus on providing world class Engineering solutions, in holistic sense. This has been the underlying driving sprit of all the professionals that constitute the D' n G' Enterprise conglomerate.

     Any body, which believes in hard work and constantly strive towards perfection, will achieve positive progress. These were the simple ingredients inherent in those who gave birth to the universe of D' n G' Enterprise. D' n G' Enterprise have nurtured it ever since its inception. Their enterpreneurial skills and abilities have built up D' n G' Enterprise - molding it, giving it substance & direction, with a passionate dedication for service.

     Serving mankind, contributing to the well being of the people, 'D n G' Enterprise has received tremendous support from loyal customer who trust D' n G' for their quality & reliability.

    Which speak volumes for the excellence that all its managers, employees, sales & marketing personnel strive towards.

    Services with excellence, and a commitment to engineering industry for all these simple principles have enabled D' n G' Enterprise to grow exponentially.